Drupa 2012

Published: 2012-05-03 - Categories: WGM

Drupa 2012 will be remembered among the Print Industry as a 'memorable year' for the number of sales, this has emerged from a briefing we attended the conclusion of the fair along with major foreign dealers. The crisis has in fact reduced the number of visitors, thereby reducing the circle only to potential purchasers, who had specific interests in participating at the fair (with less "tourists" and more "buyers"). Important trade agreements have been signed with leading suppliers that will allow us to provide our customers with highly favorable addition to the numerous sales of used printing machines (2 x Heidelberg CD102 / 3 x Heidelberg SM102 / 2 x Heidelberg SM52 / 1 x Komori 528 / 1 x KBA Rapida 105-5 + L / 1 x Mitsubishi 5+L .. TOTAL OF 12 MACHINES SOLD). We can therefore say that our participation as exhibitors in Hall 12, reserved for dealers of used printing machines was definitely positive and well above our expectations.

During the fair, we also had the honor of hosting in our stand, the foundation of a new association of which we are founding members, the 'IGFA’ (International Graphic Fairtrade Association). This may be called the first and largest association of international non-profit sector, whose members are uniquely deserving retailers, which are characterized by professional competence and commercial reliability. This is a prestigious achievement that rewards us for the work over the years and that encourages us to find new room for improvement in order to achieve excellence in business relationships with our world renowned partners and to better satisfy our customers. With great satisfaction we state that we are the ONLY Italian dealer to join this exclusive club.

Worthy of praise the fact that our company is viewed by foreign dealers as the leader in Italy. Witness the fact that our web portal is the most visited site in the industry abroad. Many were the expressions of esteem received during Drupa, where several printers and dealers, wanted tell us about their experiences and testimonies against our Italian people even negative (which of course makes no honor). Honesty in our work rewards us in the course of new investment on the part of loyal customers who buy from us various machines over time.