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Published: 2024-05-30 RMGT 970PF-8 exhibited at the DRUPA sold to USA

We can proudly say that we supplied the RMGT 970PF-8 exhibited at the DRUPA fair in Dusseldorf and sold the machine to a [...]

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Published: 2024-05-07 Another Heidelberg Speedmaster year 2014 sold to GRAFOTISAK

Another fantastic like new HEIDELBERG SM 52-2 year 2014 has been sold from our company to GRAFOTISAK. The relationship [...]

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Published: 2024-03-11 IV° MITSUBISHI sold to Visual Project in Italy

“SOMETIMES WORDS ARE NOT ENOUGH” Visual Project, in the person of Mr. Dall'Omo represents th [...]

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Published: 2024-01-15 Another HEIDELBERG installed at KLAIST

LUXURY SHOPPING BAGS Refinement and prestige / Exclusivity and luxury / Never has a slogan been more [...]

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Published: 2023-11-15 Very rare MITSUBISHI D3000TP-10 shipped to Korea

We are proud of making another customer happy at 10,000 km of distance from Italy. Disassembled, packaged and loaded into [...]

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Published: 2023-09-04 AL QALAM Printing and Packaging co. In Palestine powered by WGM

In the used printing machinery business, negotiations duration can be from several months to… a phone call, as in the case of [...]

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Published: 2023-08-31 RMGT 1060LX-5+C+LD installed in Bologna

RMGT1060LX: “A huge leap in productivity, from commercial printing to luxury packaging”. The 1st machine of the new RMGT new [...]

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Published: 2023-07-04 Printing is Art... from Aurelia to Mitsubishi

In 1952, the typographic business of Athos Tosi, founder of the homonymous typography, began. These were intense years of [...]

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Published: 2023-06-01 Used post Drupa '95 HEIDELBERG SM 102-2P sold to South America

Very hard to find a nice used SpeedMaster with perfecting 1/1 in the market... the demans of such machine is increasing from [...]

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Published: 2023-05-15 Very nice RYOBI 925-D year 2010 shipped to USA

Our company, official distributor for brand new RMGT machines in Italy, has become also the european center for used offset [...]

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Published: 2023-04-19 Like new RMGT 920PF-8 with only 19 mil of impressions sold to our customer

Our company is proud to represent the RMGT brand born from the merger of MITSUBISHI and RYOBI sheetfed offset machines. When [...]

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