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Published: 2023-02-01 WGM-RMGT sales and technical meeting

The WGM-RMGT commercial technical meeting was held at our headquarters in Castelfranco Veneto having the honor of the p [...]

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Published: 2022-07-15 The 1st RMGT 970PF-8 in Europe is printing in Italy !

Bruni Printing House was founded by Mr. Renato Bruni in 1969 and has been located in Pomezia since 1987. It is currently [...]

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Published: 2021-12-22 BOBST SP 102-E sold to KLAIST LUXURY SHOPPING BAGS in Italy

Klaist was founded in 1998 by experienced packaging entrepreneur Alberto Bonfanti. With its factory in the center of the [...]

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Published: 2021-12-09 Brand new MOHR 80 ECO at Tipografia Senesi

After the installation of the brand new RMGT 790ST-5 at the Tipografia Senesi in Montemurlo, the icing on the cake for this [...]

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Published: 2021-11-05 HEIDELBERG XL 105-10P with only 113 million of impressions sold to CHINA

The secret of our success is finding the best offset printing machines on the market, carefully selecting them and offering [...]

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Published: 2021-10-15 TWO Mitsubishi is better than ONE

We want to thanks for the trust our new customer who bought from us two very similar used offset printing machines 70x100 [...]

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Published: 2021-09-09 Brand new MOHR 80 installed in Italy

Tipolitografia Ciuni of Albenga is a historical company that has trusted WGM to purchase a brand new MOHR 80 cutting m [...]

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Published: 2021-09-01 HEIDELBERG CX 102-5+LX, 2011 sold in Asia

We would like to thanks Miss Winnie for the opportunity to become their partner with the first deal on this HEIDELBERG CX [...]

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Published: 2021-05-01 New VLF installation in Italy. TIPOGRAFIA CAVA is powered by KBA Ra 162

TIPOGRAFIA CAVA joins the WGM family! The installation of a beautiful and hard to find KBA RAPIDA 162-6+L already sees them [...]

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Published: 2021-04-15 POLAR 115 N Plus year 2012 bought in Israele and sold to UK

A colleague of ours who trades pre and post press machines in England was in trouble as the cutting machine he had bought in [...]

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Published: 2021-02-15 Industrias VANNI in Santiago Cile print now on KOMORI LS 640+C

Industrias VANNI S.A. was founded in 1938 in San Bernardo in the Santiago region of Chile, and has since printed up to [...]

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Published: 2021-01-15 Man-Roland R 905-6 + LV delivered to Mexico during the height of the pandemic

A beautiful 5-color Man-Roland R 900 with varnish unit has been found by us in the local market and sold to the Man-Roland [...]

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