Published: 2022-02-18 - Categories: NEWS
"Selling is a difficult job" ... so read the title of a book printed by one of our dear customers years ago, leafing through it fresh off the press as soon as it came out of a 70x100 format machine ...
For buyers who have to invest a lot of money in an offset printing press, what matters is the first impression.
A used printing machine that, even if genuine, has been shabby over time and has not shown its winning points will have less chance of being sold. This is why you should rely on the advice of professionals dealers to help you prepare the machine for the sale.
Have you always done regular maintenance? Can you prove it? Do you have spare parts that you don't need when you sell the machine and can you give them a gift to the new buyer?
Keep the most beautiful printed works aside, of different weights and types. The new buyer wants to understand how the machine was used and what potential it has. There are many other tips that our company will be able to advise you.
In this way, the first impression will certainly be positive and the perceived value of your printing machine will also be greater.
It must be remembered that the printer looking for a new machine is also looking for an emotion. A new purchase of an instrumental asset is always perceived as an enhancement of one's business activity.
With an average of 150 printing units sold worldwide per year, we are able to identify the appropriate markets by type of product.
Our company, the only IGFA partner - International Graphic Fairtrade Association - for Italy, in collaboration with our foreign partners, has established a "delivery" protocol, where every operation is scrupulously followed, from the moment of taking charge with subsequent preparation of the goods for sale, direct marketing, in the various stages of on-line and on-site inspections, with advanced negotiations with the conclusion of the contract and management of the payment / shipping system with disassembly, loading, customs documents, etc...
We like to leave a good memory for the seller and have a good business card for the new customer.
For the undecided in sales, who in the meantime rely on our service for predictive maintenance, it is possible to take advantage of the bonuses that WGM guarantees to its customers (eg: discounts of up to -30% on spare parts and consumables).