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Published: 2022-08-01 Brand new RMGT 970PF-8 LED-UV installed in Italy

"There are many things that can be done with paper ... ... we like to think we can do them all." This is the slogan of [...]

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Published: 2022-07-30 Brand new RMGT 970PF-5 replace one Man-Roland 704 3B-P in Italy

Cappelli Arti Grafiche S.r.l. has an history of centuries. In fact, it was born in 1850 and after having handed down the [...]

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Published: 2022-07-29 RMGT 970ST-5 sold to USA

In the current market situation, we all find ourselves having to manage increasingly longer delivery times. Having [...]

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Published: 2022-07-15 The 1st RMGT 970PF-8 in Europe is printing in Italy !

Bruni Printing House was founded by Mr. Renato Bruni in 1969 and has been located in Pomezia since 1987. It is currently [...]

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Published: 2022-06-01 3° RMGT 920PF-8 successfully installed in Italy

While waiting for the other 2 RMGT 9 both 8 colors to arrive in the next few months in Italy, with 5 machines sold, no one [...]

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Published: 2022-05-30 Like-new RMGT 920PF-8+CD LED UV shipped to USA

A loyal customer of ours in the United States of America was looking for an 8-color printing machine with automated [...]

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Published: 2022-04-18 Beautiful 6 years old HEIDELBERG CD 102-4 bought from Italy and sold to China

A beautiful HEIDELBERG CD 102-4 equipped with Preset PLUS Feeder & Delivery, with only 65 million impressions printed since 2 [...]

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Published: 2022-04-15 HEIDELBERG CD 102-5+LX bought from France, sold to Italy and now to Kenia

Another used offset printing machine exported to Kenya thanks to the ten-year collaboration with our friend Bart, a local [...]

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Published: 2022-03-15 HEIDELBERG CD 102-5 bought in Holland and sold to China

This beautiful HEIDELBERG CD 102-5, 5-color offset printing machine size 720x1020 mm, equipped with Preset PLUS Feeder & [...]

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Published: 2022-01-30 RYOBI 522 GX sold to our colleague DPM in UK

Some time ago we bought a large stock of RYOBI 522 GX, 35x50 size offset printing machine with 2-color in line, from New Z [...]

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Published: 2022-01-15 HOHNER EXACT sold in Hungary

Purchased locally in the province of Treviso and shipped to a customer in Hungary, this multi head wire stitching machine [...]

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Published: 2021-12-22 BOBST SP 102-E sold to KLAIST LUXURY SHOPPING BAGS in Italy

Klaist was founded in 1998 by experienced packaging entrepreneur Alberto Bonfanti. With its factory in the center of the [...]

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